For the anniversary the USSR national anthem was updated with new lyrics, which can be heard here in the beginning of the broadcast. Also, the constitution of the USSR received an update as well. The update solidified the CPSU's leading role in Soviet society, as well as calling the Soviet Union a nation of developed socialism. This marked a time of unserpassed stability and peace for the USSR in the 20th century.However, on the negative side the Soviet economy was seeing stagnation. The space station, Salyut 6 was also launched in 1977. Presiding over the military parade is Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitriy Ustinov. Commanding the parade is commander of the Moscow Military District, General of the Army (he received his promotion that year) Vladimir Govorov. Music performed by the Moscow Military District Orchestra, directed by Colonel Nikolai Mikhailov.
Aquí encontraréis, en general, escritos inéditos míos. Todos tienen algo que ver con la Realidad, de una u otra forma. Mi lema es: AMOR OMNIBVS IDEM [El amor es el mismo para todos] (Virgilio, Geórgicas, III, 244);
"Ellas son mejores" (mía); y, sobretodo,
"ES LA ANA" (María Gracia Ortiz Ortiz [R.I.P.]).
(OVIDIVS: FASTI, I, 63-64)
jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012
Parada Militar en la Plaza Roja de Moscú,
dedicada al 60 aniversario de la Gran Revolución Socialista de Octubre, celebrada el 7 de Noviembre de 1977
For the anniversary the USSR national anthem was updated with new lyrics, which can be heard here in the beginning of the broadcast. Also, the constitution of the USSR received an update as well. The update solidified the CPSU's leading role in Soviet society, as well as calling the Soviet Union a nation of developed socialism. This marked a time of unserpassed stability and peace for the USSR in the 20th century.However, on the negative side the Soviet economy was seeing stagnation. The space station, Salyut 6 was also launched in 1977. Presiding over the military parade is Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitriy Ustinov. Commanding the parade is commander of the Moscow Military District, General of the Army (he received his promotion that year) Vladimir Govorov. Music performed by the Moscow Military District Orchestra, directed by Colonel Nikolai Mikhailov.
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Paso a saludarle y aplazo el comentario para un momento de menos premuras. Para un muchacho de aldea como yo, es demasiado contenido para una sóla sesión.
ResponderEliminarCon el agravagante de que no leo bien el extrangero, si exceptúamos la lengua francesa, que he tenido que aprender para poder ligar.
Saludos cordiales.
Don Cesar,
ResponderEliminarYo también aprovecho la oportunidad para saludarlo. No me acabo de creer lo que me dice. Estoy seguro de que Vd. es capaz de entender la Lengua que le dé la gana. Vd. sí que es un hombre sensato y equilibrado, porque se ha dedicado a cosas útiles, aprender Francés para ligar. Espero que no haya aprendido más de la cuenta y haga también El Francés.
Imagínese mi pobreza, la mía, que me he dedicado la vida a aprender Lenguas que, según la osada opinión general, no sirven para nada. Y la cantidad de obstáculos a los que me he tenido que enfrentar, aunque eso sí, he salido sano, salvo, e indemne. Imagínese Vd. que me he pasado media vida estudiando Griego, y jamás en mi vida he hecho Un Griego.
Amigo mío, le envío un abrazo vinero.